It is easy for us to form opinions about others based on first impressions - the topic of choice, the way it was presented, or the way the person sounded. Whatever that might be, we come to a conclusion of others based on our life experiences, not always based on the facts of others. I would like to think I can read people well and have a good judge of characters. There is a sense that I do not want to be wrong about how I thought about others. (Is it just me???)
Misjudging other's character does not label us as incapable or wrong in understanding others. Actually when we use the word "misjudging", it already implies a failed attempt. (This is a whole other blog topic.) Let's say that we did not fully capture what we need to see at the first time. At the end, you may realize that your impressions were right. But having another chance to learn more about others is what I would ask for if I were the one misunderstood.